
Profile Areas

The University of Siegen focuses on the promotion and expansion of the already existing internationally visible profile areas and research foci in order to further sharpen the universities research profile. Those profile areas are characterized by long-time strengths in fundamental research. The profile areas of the University of Siegen represent thematically focused, partly interdisciplinary oriented research foci that address the major scientific and societal challenges.

Media & Culture

The profile area Media & Culture investigates practices in media and culture of contemporary societies and the respective social and societal effects. Currently, the research is concentrated on the ubiquity of media practices and the transformation of society through new methods to measure attention and develops new methodological approaches and theories.

Education & Social Society

The profile area Education & Social Society focuses on social integration as a challenge for an increasingly diverse and dynamically changing society. Education, social participation, migration and social systems are topics that deal with the challenges of an inclusive society, which is characterized by diversity and mobility.

Sensorics & Visual Computing

The profile area Sensorics & Visual Computing is centred around trendsetting sensor developments and nanotechnological research. These topics benefit from the remarkable interdisciplinary cooperation of groups working on fundamental research in physics and physical chemistry, microelectronic sensor development and data processing in information technology.

Matter & Quantum Systems

The profile area Matter & Quantum Systems comprises fundamental research in the fields of elementary particle physics and quantum optics. This internationally visible area of the University of Siegen carries out its research in theoretical and experimental physics to study matter and quantum information technology in coordinated collaborative research projects

Areas of Competence

The University of Siegen supports research activities that pick up on pioneering trends and take part in developing and shaping new research areas. On the one hand, these areas of competence are research-active areas that are being further expanded and supported by the university in order to lay the foundation for innovative research clusters and coordinated, large-scale research alliances. On the other hand, these areas also include research groups that conduct applied and practice-oriented research with a focus on transfer.

Research Projects

The University of Siegen considers itself to be a university that aims to conduct, promote and expand excellent research at the highest international level. In doing so, it is committed to the principles of good scientific practice, respect for different academic cultures and research disciplines, trusting and open interaction in scientific discourse and the recognition and appreciation of researchers’ achievements.


The University of Siegen supports its scientists in all phases of their research projects – from the internal start-up financing of a research idea, the search for suitable funding sources and advice on application procedures, to the administrative, financial and legal handling of projects and the transfer of research results.

Prorector for Research, Infrastructure and Collaboration