Quality objectives in research
It is the aim of the University of Siegen to ensure that its research receives increasing attention on a broad scientific basis, but also by society, culture, economy and politics. It strives to further distinguish itself as a medium-sized research university and to promote and expand high-quality research at an international level. To this end, the existing diversity of research topics is to be preserved, a balanced relationship between individual projects and large-format project alliances is to be striven for, and the promotion of research-strong junior research potential is to be expanded. As part of its research QM concept, the university has established a system that contributes at various levels to the facilitation, continuation and enhancement of excellent research:
Strengthening Research Priorities
In order to further intensify the sharpening of its profile in the field of research, the University of Siegen is focusing on the promotion and expansion of the existing internationally visible research focal points. The aim is to give strong and successful researchers the necessary freedom and recognition (in the form of infrastructure, human and material resources) to carry out their excellent research and initiate new research Projects.
Strengthening interdisciplinarity
Complementarily building on a thematically broad-based individual research, the aim is to strengthen the networking of individual disciplines, along with increasing participation in interdisciplinary, coordinated research networks (eg DFG, EU) in current, but also dynamically developing research areas.
Strengthening innovations
In line with its mission statement “Shaping a Humane Future”, the University of Siegen supports research activities that take up trendsetting ideas and help shape new fields of research. As a starting point for future innovative research, it supports new original project initiatives and smaller pilot projects in order to lay the foundation for innovative medium-sized research clusters. This creates research networks that lead to coordinated, large-scale research alliances.
Strengthening the potential of young researchers
The main objective of the University of Siegen is to create excellent career conditions for the qualification and profiling of young scientists. This is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of doctorates. Support and advisory services at doctoral and postdoctoral level are intended to point the way to scientific independence as early as possible. Postdocs and junior professors with special potential are to be identified and increasingly promoted with the aim of supporting them in their development into research personalities and preparing them to apply for programs such as Emmy Noether, Heisenberg, Humboldt, Marie-Curie or ERC Starting Grants.
Strengthening internationality
The University of Siegen promotes the idea of the European Higher Education Area. Internationalization is therefore understood as a constant element that accompanies all university processes and developments and is constantly being promoted. It has a stimulating effect on all areas of the university. Research, in particular, is internationally oriented, whether through international research collaborations, support for the international mobility of scientists, or through internationally recognized publications.
Strengthening equality and diversity
The University of Siegen regards the continuous improvement of equal opportunities for women and men as well as professional diversity management as an essential prerequisite for its future viability and a central quality criterion for its development. It has taken numerous certified measures in the areas of reconciling family and career, career advancement for women and diversity and including universities, which are to be expanded and further developed in the future. Gender and diversity aspects are continuously taken into account as cross-cutting issues in all areas of research, teaching and management and are naturally incorporated into these areas.
Strengthening transfer and knowledge communication
The University of Siegen pursues a holistic transfer concept, which wants to transfer knowledge and insight into the economy as well as society, culture and politics and make them available. It explicitly considers social issues such as political opinion-forming, civic engagement, civil society, social issues of digitalization or inclusion. In the field of transfer and knowledge communication, it aims to further intensify cooperation between universities, business, culture and society, to increase invention, patent and exploitation activities and to create a “culture of independence” (entrepreneurship education). The implementation of these goals takes place in the course of a holistically developed transfer strategy.
To achieve these goals, structural control instruments are used, which are defined in a transparent procedure and in close consultation with the faculties and the scientists involved. The QM concept of the University of Siegen can be found here.
Prorektor für Ressourcen & Governance

Prof. Dr. Volker Stein
Telefon: +49 271/740-3227
E-Mail: volker.stein@uni-siegen.de
Qualitätszentrum Siegen

Tobias Auberger
Telefon: +49 271/740-4919
E-Mail: tobias.auberger@uni-siegen.de