NRW funding programs

Since the University of Siegen is a public University, funds approved by the state of NRW are not or only partially considered third-party funds. Nevertheless, interesting research projects can be realized here. A list of state ministries can be found below.


The state of North Rhine-Westphalia uses funds from the European Structural Fund (ERDF) to promote large-volume cooperation projects. The exact structure of this funding framework has not yet been determined. As soon as we know more details, we will publish it here.

Please note:

The University of Siegen has a fixed schedule for the application in NRW programs. You can find this schedule along with additional information about the review and consulation with the Research Center in the document below.

Internal Process for the application (deutsch)

List of State Ministries

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Dr. Clemens Stupperich
Phone: +49 271/740-4837