Federal Ministries

At the federal level, research projects are widely supported by federal ministries (e.g. the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and other funding agencies at the federal level. In addition to basic research, the focus here (with the exception of the BMF) is on application-oriented research, to enable the development of new ideas and technologies. In addition to the tenders with a deadline, there are some (e.g. “KMU-innovativ”) permanently open tenders.

The Research Support Office aids you in researching suitable (current or permanently open) calls for proposals, preparing the application and submitting the application via the electronic application system “easy” (or other modalities) and, in particular, preparing the financial calculation that corresponds to the specifications. Take advantage of the service offer and let us advise you in a personal meeting, by e-mail or by telephone


ZIM application acceptance

Applications for the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, ZIM) can be submitted again.

Please note:

Applications for third-party funds – especially from federal and state ministries or their project sponsors as well as coordinated DFG applications – can only be submitted by legal entities, ie by the University of Siegen, and not by individual researchers, institutes or schools/faculties themselve. All applications in this area are signed by the university management or a person authorized to represent them in a legally binding manner. The signature will only be provided if the application in question has previously been checked by the Research Support Office.

The University of Siegen has a fixed schedule for the application in federal programs. You can find this schedule along with additional information about the review and consulation with the Research Center in the document below.

Internal Process for the application (deutsch)

Own Contributions

If you have to show your own contributions to the University of Siegen in the application and cannot provide this from a resource available to you, this must be clarified with the university management before signing the application. Please note that this will increase the processing time for your application. Please clarify early:

  1. with the participating schools: Their support, e.g. basic equipment also with regard to rooms and infrastructural equipment (PC, office materials, laboratory use, etc.)
  2. with the Rectorate: Any further need for support

Submission Assistance

The vast majority of applications must be uploaded electronically. Many entries require special knowledge of the content and form of the documents to be submitted. An independent check, especially of the financial calculation, offers security when submitting. After the electronic submission, the legally binding signed paper form is usually submitted. The Research Support Office can obtain the signature and send the documents.

FIf you want to make entries yourself, you will find important information for the University of Siegen on preparing the application in the easy guide.

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Dr. Nadine Hoffmann
Phone: +49 271/740-5077
E-Mail: nadine.hoffmann@uni-siegen.de

Dr. Clemens Stupperich
Phone: +49 271/740-4837
E-Mail: clemens.stupperich@zv.uni-siegen.de